Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Welcome to Floral Fantasy

Okay, so, after many months of stalking my favourite fashion and beauty bloggers I have finally decided to take the plunge and to join the blogging community! Everyone always looks back on their first post and cringes at how awkward it is, but it allows them to realise how far they have come and hopefully from this post onwards I will start to come to terms with blogging and hopefully provide entertainment to my readers. After taking a horrendous combination of a-levels; (in my opinion, don't judge!) Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and Philosophy I have realised that they really aren't me at all. I'm not the type of person who enjoys studying and school doesn't come naturally to me...much to my annoyance. Textiles was my favourite subject at school and has always been a passion of mine but with the vast competition in the fashion and beauty industry I regrettably opted for a more academic and in my eyes boring route, so now I'm trying to rekindle the love and passion I have always had for fashion and beauty and how our perceptions of this change each season rapidly. Now, after blabbing on and sharing a segment of my life story, I'll be posting a couple of times a week about my views on the latest fashion, with outfits of the day, reviews on clothes, the best designer dupes on the high street, etc. Along with my beauty tips and what I get up to on a day to day basis as well as fun little things like tags, hauls and showing you what is in my bag. Any requests and feedback  would be greatly appreciated as I aim to please my audience! 

Until next time,
Lola Rose


  1. Welcome to the blogging community! Have fun :D

    Amy xx

    1. Thank you Amy! I've just checked out and followed your blog I love it! xxx
