Thursday, 14 March 2013


Okay, so, I haven't posted in quite a while! I think it's going to take me some time to get into the swing of blogging but I thought I'd take this chance to do a quick update on what has happened recently before I vow to post much more interesting blogs about my days and other fun things! 
  Last week was results day for A-Level students and I  also think GCSE students so it was obviously a nerve wracking day for many. I received mine and did okay, I'm resetting my Philosophy exam but I got ABC grades in my subjects which I'm hoping to make up to AAB in my summer exams as they are worth more than the ones I have just sat. The atmosphere was absolutely horrendous at college, you literally couldn't walk down a corridor without seeing someone crying, so me and my friends decided to take a trip to the place where dreams come true...McDonalds, and drowned our sorrows in greasy, but still extremely tasty fast food! (Food is the cure to most things, along with Gossip Girl...Come on guys, we all know its true)
  This weekend I don't have much planned, Friday night I'm with my best girl friends and we'll probably go for some drinks and then Saturday daytime I'm spending catching up on school work and at night I'm going over to my boyfriends for pizza, wine and a movie, yum! However, on sunday my parents are opening their new business which I'm super excited about but I have to waitress and with how clumsy I am, it is sure to go horrifically wrong! I'll take pictures throughout the weekend and then update you all on Sunday with a blog post. I'll most likely have at least a few embarrassing stories to share with you from the opening!
  Speak soon!
  Lola Rose